45 players have been signed up for this competition as of 12:43 PM Sunday 19th January
Vincenzo Alfano (20.1) |
Don Bolton (14.9) |
Vin Cadigan () |
David Carey (2.4) |
Tim Cartwright (27.2) |
Larry Catterson (4.8) |
Peter Cosgrove (28.1) |
Ross Crick (7.9) |
Andy Cunningham (18.0) |
Paul Davies (21.7) |
Miguel De Castro (15.4) |
Mike Deeley (0.0) |
Mick Emmanuel (22.7) |
Bob Farley (Les Mielles Golf Club) |
David Frank (21.6) |
James Garry (23.2) |
Jack Gibson (-1.2) |
Christopher Hansen (6.1) |
Richard Hollick (22.2) |
Dennis Lavin (10.3) |
William Lennox (8.2) |
Neill McEwen (19.1) |
Simon Mills (6.8) |
Billy Moir (14.2) |
Eddie Motie (24.0) |
Gerald Mynes (14.1) |
Alex Newton (10.7) |
James Newton (3.9) |
Peter Nicolle (14.5) |
John North (14.0) |
John Pallot (31.0) |
Rick Pallot (20.5) |
Sharad Patel (16.2) |
Mark Peters (17.7) |
Guy Pipon (10.5) |
Harry Proffitt (20.4) |
Steven Robertson (16.0) |
James Styles (8.1) |
Nicholas Swindells (16.6) |
Graham Thomas (23.9) |
Mike Tostevin (15.3) |
Richard Villain (31.9) |
Bob Wickings (4.4) |
Jason Wycherley (16.6) |
Tom Zambon () |